Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Great Start!

Well here I am – in Nairobi again – this time for the meeting of the ESCR Net. The main meeting will start tomorrow on the 1 December but I am here attending the social movement meeting which started yesterday, and what a great experience it has been so far.

We are a bit over thirty people at the social movement gathering – movement leaders from all corners of the world gathered here to share, to learn, to strategise and to move forward. Over the past days I have heard stories of courage, stories of sacrifice, stories of successes and stories of successes yet to come.

It’s energizing to meet with our brothers and sisters in the frontline of the human rights struggle – be inspired by their courage and determination often fighting against all odds to bring about positive change for their communities. There is a common thread to the success stories - that when people get together and organize, change can happen!


It was wonderful to enter the hotel lobby last night as the new arrivals for the main strategy meeting were just checking in – friends and colleagues that we have interacted professionally and personally over the past 10 years – some whom I have not seen in years and others we work with on a regular and even daily basis.. anyway too many to mention all – but it was wonderful to see them in person and to reconnect. Seeing so many familiar faces, and reading the participant list of people who are still to arrive was a big treat. It seems like this meeting is the place to be. “….you don’t exist if you are not here…” commented a friend. Perhaps theres some truth in that if you are engaged in ESC rights work?

The main formal meeting may not have started yet but the networking is happening – the exchanges are happening at the meal tables, in the walks in the grounds and in other informal spaces, so part of the objective is already being achieved. I hope that in the coming days the formal discussions will go well and that the expectations will be met – that the meeting will lead to the strengthening of the work on esc rights around the world – strengthening the work of the network members and strengthening of the network secretariat.

Unfortunately I will need to leave after the social movement meeting is over as we have our 7th Annual Global Linking and Learning Programme which is starting on 1 December and ending on 10th December – it’s a fixed date on our Dignity calendar and I will need to make my way there.

Congratulations to the Secretariat – Julieta, Suad, Liz, Nikko, Chris, Marla, Rebecca (I hope I have not forgotten others!) and the organizing committee who have done an excellent job in thoroughly preparing this meeting - leaving nothing to chance and doing their best to ensure everything is working well and above all managing to keep a smile under a stressful situation. At least from my experience with the meeting so far - from arrival at the airport, the pick up, the check in, the registration, preparation of the meeting papers as well as the content and direction of the meeting every aspect has been perfect… I raise my hat to you all.

Aye Aye Win
Dignity International

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